At St John's we are committed to ministering to the whole family of God. Children and young people are a valued and integral part of our family.
The second Sunday of each month at 9.20am is our 'Up Front' service that is tailored to be accessible for children and adults. Every other Sunday we run children's groups catering for 0-11. The groups return to Church in time for families to receive Communion together. All leaders are DBS checked. Children are also welcome to stay in the service; to sing in the choir; or serve at the altar. We also run a monthly group for our secondary school aged children at Julie's Café on Stonards Recreation Ground on the 3rd Thursday at 6pm.
Details of our various children and youth groups are below. For Sunday groups, just turn up at 9.20am and the welcome team can point you in the direction of the appropriate group leader.
For more details on any of our work with children or youth contact Emily Kirby: emilykirby.eppingteam@gmail.com
All parents of children who attend our groups need to fill out this form and send it to Nick Wold: theydon1@live.com.

Sunday School
Sunday: Ages 5-7
Sunday School is for children aged 5–7 years old. We learn about the readings taking place in church that week and make a craft or do some puzzles relating to it, enjoying fellowship and fun whilst learning about God's Word with our friends. We always share what we have learned with the congregation when we return to church.
All young people are welcome, whether visiting that week or regular church attenders.

Little Lambs
Sunday: Ages 0-4
Little Lambs is a pre-school group for babies and toddlers aged 0-4 years. We meet on the 1st, 3rd and 4th Sundays during the main church service. We start with worship songs and instruments, followed by a bible story and craft.
We have a snack and then play or read stories.
After the session we always come back and share what we have been doing with the rest of the church.
Parents stay with their children.

Go Gen
Sunday: Ages 7-11
We meet on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month and have fun learning more about God’s word through drama, sharing ideas and experiences, prayer and many different activities.
The children become familiar with using their bibles, and linking God’s word from the bible with situations in their own lives.
Following the group session, the children look forward to sharing what they have learnt, made, written or drawn with the rest of the congregation.
On the 4th Sunday, GoGen children are invited to take part in helping to lead the 9.20am service. Jobs can be found for everyone who wants one! Turn up at 9am for a quick run through.

This is our baby and pre-school group, held in St John's Church each week in term time. It's completely free and totally relaxed. We know how hard parenting can be so just turn up and join in the songs, games and prayers and we'll make sure you have plenty of coffee and nice people to hang out with. We usually finish at about 11.30am so just turn up whenever you can get to us. We look forward to meeting you and your little ones.
Church Mice
Thursday 10.00am: Ages 0-5

Epping Team Youth Group
Ages 12-15
This group for secondary school aged children meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month at Julie's Café on Stonards Recreation Ground 6- 6.45pm
The group offers the children a chance to socialise; worship; learn about their faith; play games and work on projects. It also provides an opportunity for them to invite interested friends along and share their faith.
Our active and lively Junior Choir is always open to new members. No experience is necessary for children as not only are they taught to sing, they are also taught to read and follow music as well as sing in different languages, including Latin! We follow the RSCM's Voice for Life scheme which is a progressive training scheme and allows children to work towards different “badges”. Children should be 7 years or older and all we ask for is a regular and punctual commitment to weekly practices and services. Rehearsals take place on Thursdays: Junior Choir 7.00pm - 7.45pm, Adult Choir 7.45 - 9.00pm. For further details, please see our Music and Choir pages.