Monday 2nd
8:30 am Morning Prayer at St John’s 10:00 am Market day coffee in St John’s 5:30 pm Evening Prayer at St John’s 8:00 pm Compline at St John’s Tuesday 3rd
8:30 am Morning Prayer at St John’s 10:15 am Service at Bakers Villas 2:00 pm Service at Wensley House Wednesday 4th
8:30 am Morning Prayer at St John’s 9:30 am Eucharist at St John’s 4:00 pm Advent Course in St John’s Ho. Thursday 5th
10:00 am Church Mice in St John’s 12 noon Eucharist (BCP) at St John’s Sunday 8th
Readings: Isaiah 11.1-10 & Matthew 3.1-12
8:00 am Eucharist (BCP) at St John’s
9:20 am Eucharist at St John’s
11:10 am Eucharist at St Alban’s
11:10 am Eucharist at All Saints
6:00 pm Tree Festival Choral Evensong at St John’s
featuring: Advent Prose, Sumsion in A and O Thou the Central Orb (Charles Wood).