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Our Sunday 9.20am service and Wednesday 9.30am service are live-streamed on Facebook and YouTube; as are our monthly service of Choral Evensong (6pm, on the 2nd Sunday) and our Prayer and Praise service (6pm, on the 3rd Sunday)



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Our main gathering is on a Sunday but we also meet to worship mid-week. We'd love to get to know you. Our 9.20am service on a Sunday has term-time clubs for children and youth aged 0-11.



Book of Common Prayer (BCP) Eucharist in the Lady Chapel. A traditional intimate service.


Our main service. A familiar 'common worship' Sung Eucharist service with term-time clubs for children and youth. On the second Sunday of each month this becomes our all-age family worship service.


A varied programme which offers something different each week. Everything from choral evensong to modern worship with full band. See the Church Calendar for details. 


Morning Prayer 08.30am

Currently Morning Prayer only takes place on Monday mornings in the Lady Chapel




We also have a service of Holy Communion on Wednesdays at 9.30am. Normally refreshments are available after the service.

Epping Team Ministry

We are always pleased to hear from you whether it is a life-changing event or just a small enquiry.


​Telephone: ​01992 575570


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©2018 Epping Team Ministry

We are committed to Safeguarding Children, Young People, Victims/perpetrators of Domestic Abuse and Vulnerable Adults.  The PCC has adopted the Church of England’s policies and best practice on safeguarding which may be found on the Church of England’s website . Our Parish Safeguarding Officer is Mr Nick Wold, who may be contacted at church or by email. Visit our safeguarding page for more information.

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